How to bleed a hydraulic cylinder on a dump truck?



Do you know the biggest enemy of the hydraulic cylinder? It is the air trapped inside the components. It damages the different components and decreases the performance. Apart from this, trapped air gives tough competition to the worn-out components and reduces their lifespan quickly.


It is essential to remove the trapped air, especially on a dump truck where you need to lift or lower the dump bed. Now, the question is— how can you bleed a hydraulic cylinder on a dump truck?


Today, we will explore the step-by-step instructions to dig out the tips and hacks to bleed a hydraulic cylinder on a dump truck. Let’s discuss.


Why should you bleed a hydraulic cylinder?


The bleeding of a hydraulic cylinder is undoubtedly a significant phenomenon. But why? Here are a few benefits associated with the bleeding phenomenon.


Remove air pockets


Are there any air pockets in your hydraulic cylinder? Usually, an air entrapment causes the pockets inside the hydraulic cylinders. The pockets enlarge with more air entrapment, which leads to inaccurate lifting. Bleeding removes the air pockets and ensures excellent performance.


Restores efficiency 


The reduced hydraulic cylinder efficiency is possible due to air pockets. What if you remove the air pockets? Your system will start performing as if it were brand new, and you’ll get the ultimate performance.


Prevents damage 


One of the most significant reasons behind the damage to the hydraulic cylinders is the damage to the internal components. Premature wear and damage to seals, valves, and cylinders is a real headache. Bleeding can prevent it and ensure ultimate safety.


Materials and tools required to bleed a hydraulic cylinder 


Before you start working on the bleeding process, knowing what you need to bleed a hydraulic cylinder is better. Here is the list of tools and materials required:


  • Hydraulic fluid (as recommended by the dump truck manufacturer)
  • Wrenches (for loosening bleeder valves and fittings)
  • Drain pan or bucket (to catch excess fluid)
  • Shop rags (for cleaning spilled fluid)
  • Protective gloves and safety goggles


Steps to follow to bleed a hydraulic cylinder 


When you bleed the hydraulic cylinder, follow our step-by-step instructions for safe and successful bleeding.


Step 1: Choose Stable Surface 


A stable surface is necessary. First, select the stable surface and check the movement. Turn off the dump truck and engage in the parking brake. Place it on a levelled surface.


Step 2: Check the hydraulic fluid level


Don’t start the bleeding process. Why? First, check the hydraulic fluid level. Is it sufficient? Do you need more fluid?


If the fluid is low, top it off and proceed to the bleeding process.


Step 3: Extend and Retract the Dump Bed


It is time to restart your dump truck. Extend and retract the dump bed.




Doing so will gather all the air pockets in a single place. It will be quick and easy to do when you start bleeding it.


Step 4: Locate Bleeder valve 


The location of the bleeder valve often lies at the apex of the hydraulic cylinder. Can you find it? There are two answers.


  • Yes. It is great. Proceed to the next steps.
  • No. Then, go for loosening of the hydraulic fittings. It will remove the trapped air and get the trapped air out of the system.


Step 5: Open Bleeder Valve


Raise your dump bed. Hold the wrench tightly and loosen the bleeder valve. The trapped air will start getting out of the system.


How can you confirm the air removal? Listen to the hissing sounds with all ears. During bleeding, there is a definite sound coming from the system.


Step 6: Allow Air Escape 


Wait for some moments until you confirm all the air is out of the system. Keep the valve open and check for the air bubbles. If they stop forming, the air will go out of your system.


Step 7: Close Bleeder Valve 


Are you sure there is no air in the system? A smooth and consistent performance confirms it. There is no bubble formation in the fluid. That explains that bleeding has been done.


What is next? Securely tighten the valve. Don’t over-tighten the valves.


Step 8: Repeat 


Even if you are 100% sure of the air removal, try it again. Check for the air with inconsistent performance. Bleed the valve and remove the air. Repeat the above mentioned process until all the air is out of your system.


Step 9: Check for leaks


If you have opened the hydraulic fittings to bleed the hydraulic cylinder, go for the inspection. During inspection, check:


  • If there are any damaged components.
  • If there is air coming out of the leakage in any component 


Step 10: Refill hydraulic fluid if needed


Check hydraulic cylinder fluid levels. If the fluid is less than the recommended amount, purchase the compatible hydraulic fluid and refill it up to the given limits. Refill for better hydraulic cylinder performance.


Troubleshooting tips to bleed a hydraulic cylinder 


Issue Possible Cause Solution
Dump bed still moves erratically Air is still trapped in the system Repeat the bleeding process
Hydraulic fluid is foamy Too much air is mixed in the fluid Let the truck sit for a while, then recheck fluid levels
Weak lifting power Low hydraulic fluid or worn-out seals Refill fluid and inspect for leaks
Fluid leaks after bleeding Loose fittings or damaged seals Tighten connections or replace faulty seals




Trapped air can be an accidental phenomenon. You must know the trapped air and kill it. Open the valves or repair all the components. They will provide the space for the air to escape.


There is one more solution to avoid the air trapping. It is to purchase high-end hydraulic cylinders.


Do you want to know where you can purchase such hydraulic cylinders? QuanYe Hydraulics is talk-of-the-town because of Innova hydraulic cylinders. Our premium solutions get you reduced prices. Ensure cost-effectiveness and fetch affordable prices right away!