Reparatur von Hydraulikzylindern



Hydraulic Cylinders can be magical tools for generating a linear force. Sometimes, they fail to do so. Have you ever wondered what could be the reason? In actuality, there are a few factors that can affect it.


But before you decide on a reason, it is essential to understand whether your hydraulic cylinder needs repair or you should focus on the replacement. Remember, the repair can be a cost-saving idea if tools work efficiently after the work. Otherwise, you have to consider the replacement.


Do you want to know the answers to all of your questions? If yes, this guide is for you, and we will discuss the hydraulic cylinder repair process.


Common hydraulic cylinder issues that need you to repair or replace


A hydraulic cylinder is an efficient tool that stays with you for the long term. Sometimes, it fails to commence its activities and causes serious issues related to the functionality. As a result, you’ll feel decreased performance over the extended periods.


Here are a few red flags to focus on when deciding whether you need the hydraulic cylinder repair or replacement.


Unusual Noises


Are unusual noises coming out of your hydraulic cylinders? It shows a serious problem inside the hydraulic cylinder. There are two most common sources of abnormal sounds. 


These include:


  • Aeration. This means that the air is inside the hydraulic cylinder. It produces compressive impacts when the fluid flows through the system. As a result of compressible forces, you can hear the sounds.
  • Cavitation. If there is some insufficient liquid in part, you can experience abnormal sounds due to air cavitation. The fluid evaporates in the cavities and causes serious sorts of abnormalities.


The air cavitation and aeration impacts are quite significant. They can break seals and cause fluid leakage sometimes. Whenever you feel abnormal sounds coming from the system, get ready to repair the system.


Jerky movements


One of the most dangerous scenarios that can cause damage to your systems is the jerky movements of the hydraulic cylinders. They do nothing but destabilize the hydraulic forces and can cause serious accidents.


So, what is the reason behind the jerky movements? It is because of:


  • Elevated friction
  • Worn seals
  • Poor lubrication
  • Bent rod


All these assets require the attention of experts and urgent repairs to correct the issue immediately.


Increased power consumption 


Sometimes, you can feel that the hydraulic cylinder requires more power than before. Can you guess what happens? There are a few cases. For example, the hydraulic cylinder is not working properly and is leaking fluid. More power is needed to generate the required power.


As a result, the power bills skyrocketed, burdening your shoulders.


Slowing down the actuator 


Have you felt the hydraulic cylinder is processing and working slower? That is 100% possible when your hydraulic cylinder has some serious issues related to friction and functionality. The increased friction slows the actuator.


Some experts try to increase power to speed up the functionality. But it is not a good idea as you have to fight with the system failure later on.




It is the crux of the matter if you face problems with an overwhelmingly heated hydraulic cylinder. Imagine for a moment. What can be the reason behind the overheating of the hydraulic cylinders?


  • It can heat the components when you don’t run the hydraulic cylinders at the safe temperature limits.
  • Another reason for the overheating can be due to friction between the hydraulic components.


Uneven Piston Rod Wear


One of the strong indicators of the issue is the piston rod wear. Usually, the piston rod helps push the hydraulic fluid and creates the linear force. So, the wear of the piston rod must be uniform.


If the wear is irregular and prominent at some points and hidden at another, consider the inspection. There must be a bent rod or misalignment of the rod that puts more pressure on one component than another.


Should you repair or replace a hydraulic cylinder?


You often have two questions if you have recently found such serious issues with your hydraulic cylinders. Do I need to replace the components with the better ones? Or should I focus solely on the repair to avoid the excessive expenses?


You don’t have to rethink the repair or replacement as it is easy to understand. For example, we have discussed the various cases in which you should dive into the repair or replacement.


Cylinder Life Expectancy 


Every cylinder has a specific lifespan. The lifespan approaches quickly when you don’t maintain it. However, hydraulic parts will inevitably wear today or tomorrow.


If your hydraulic cylinder has exceeded the expected lifespan, it is better to replace it. It is because the repair will be more expensive. And there will be no guarantee that your hydraulic cylinder will survive wearing out for extended periods.




Are the hydraulic cylinder replacement parts available easily? You can’t jump into the replacement when the tools are not accessible. When thinking of the replacement, check the availability of the tools. If they are available, go for replacements. Otherwise, you can repair the damaged components and enjoy a better cost-saving option.


Number of damaged parts


Hydraulic cylinders stand out as crucial tools in heavy-duty applications. What if a component gets damaged? It starts a chain reaction and puts strains on the other components. If not repaired for extended periods, you can experience damage to the other components.

Therefore, you should compare the replacement costs with the repair costs. Whatever costs fall under your budget and give you better results, you can go for it.


Extent of damage 


There are two types of damage. If the damage is small and can be corrected efficiently with the repair, you should be on the repair side rather than the replacement side.


The replacement is a better idea if the damage is significant and requires extensive repair. It will give a long-term deal at affordable prices compared to the repair.


Compatibility Issues


Many old types of hydraulic cylinders are extinct now. There are no newer or replacement parts available for them. It can cause compatibility issues when you want to replace such components.


So, what should you do then? Go for the repair rather than the replacement. It would be a more cost-effective idea.


Cause of failure 


The cause of failure is crucial to deciding whether you should replace the parts or consider the repair. If you don’t treat the root cause, the same issue will erupt in the newer cylinders. However, you should consider the hydraulic cylinder components repair only when the problem is single and isolated. Check the cost-effectiveness of the problem and then make the decision.


Benefits of Hydraulic Cylinder repair 


Hydraulic cylinder repair is a significant scenario that comes with a cost-saving setup. There are many more benefits to knowing about hydraulic cylinder repair. Let’s discuss each benefit thoroughly and its significance. 




One of the crucial aspects of hydraulic cylinder repair is the cost-effectiveness. If you compare the prices of the hydraulic cylinder’s newer components with the repair, you can find repairing a more price-saving idea. Moreover, finding out the problem in the early stages will save you more in the long term.




Wherever the hydraulic cylinders are, the experts are there. They will handle the hydraulic tools and find out the root cause of the inspection. There are hundreds of companies offering repair services. Therefore, it is easy to find different experts with different levels.


Quality of Repair


All the problems can be solved when you shake hands with an expert. Imagine for a moment. You find an unusual noise coming out of the system. Hire quality experts. He/she will check on your tools and determine whether you need replacement or repair.


Experts can resolve such issues by quickly bleeding your hydraulic cylinders. As a result, it will be a colossal favor for your business and keep you cost-free for extended periods.


More Choice


Replacement of the tools comes with a range of quality and pricing. The same case happens with the repair. For example, you get a free hand on:


  • Explore the top repairing services.
  • Filter out the experts based on their experience and qualifications.
  • Understand their skills.
  • Choose the cost of these experts.


All such cases are going to keep you hassle-free for extended periods. Get better choices and customize your repair based on your budget and quality.




The best way to escape the repair matrix is to maintain the hydraulic cylinders. You can inspect your hydraulic cylinders for extended periods. Treat the minor issues and avoid the replacement in the long term. What if you get premium-quality hydraulic cylinders that are more durable?


Technically, it is possible to use the next-gen hydraulic cylinders from the QuanYe Hydraulikzylinder Hersteller. You get customized hydraulic cylinder solutions and enjoy the smooth functionality. Do you want to explore the collection? Go ahead and check now!

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